Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving... the day after

I really want to say how thankful I am to have to opportunity to be part of this great blogging community of debt reduction and personal finance. I have had some interesting challenges lately, but have been able to refocus on my priorities because of the great feedback I've received. I hope that I've been able to return the favor once or twice as well.

This week I completed one house sitting job, started another, and put up Thanksgiving orders for a bakery I used to work for. Thanks to all of this extra work, I am able to reach one of my November goals and repay my step father for money I borrowed in June.

Tis the season to pick up extra work and I will add that to my list of December goals. It will help offset the cost of my visit to see dad especially with such a horrible exchange rate. I'm not sure how much additional debt I'm going to be able to pay off.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Happy Belated Thanksgiving! You are doing Fantastic! Just think, you are able to pay your stepfather back too! another debt bites the dust for you :).

I have been watching the exchange rate as well.The Euro is certainly up there isn't it. Thank goodness you can stay with your dad :). I can't wait to hear all about your trip as this is truly exciting!