Sunday, December 2, 2007

December Goals - The challenge of the holidays without adding debt

December is an interesting month because its a new month for goals, but its wrapping up 2007. My goals for this month are going to be simpler because of all the craziness that is around the corner. I have to juggle work expectations and prepare for a long vacation as well as get ready for Christmas in two places and a long trip. So, the December goals are...

- Focus on high interest credit card. Call the company and see if they will lower the interest rate and snowball payments from debts I've paid off in November to this card.

- Choose Christmas presents that are useful even a year from now. Wrapping should also be reusable, recyclable, or a gift in itself.

- Bump up my monthly contribution towards my Roth IRA to $75

Now to plan for those 2008 goals.... but thats another post.

Weekly Review

There have been a lot of interesting posts this week, but the following is a list of the ones that really stood out for me.

The Simple Dollar - Everything You Ever Really Needed To Know About Personal Finance On The Back Of Five Business Cards A good basic reminder on why I am on the path towards debt elimination.

Wise Bread - Grandpa's Penny, If You Never Spend It You'll Never Be Broke by Sarah Baughman Wisdom from generations before that we've forgotten along the way.

Mapgirl's Fiscal Challenge - Best Way To Use Up Medical FSA Funds
Its December and time to have a look at our benefits during open enrollment again. I read somewhere that only 4% of employees actually take advantage of the Medical FSA offered through their employers.

One Frugal Girl - Clutter Free Christmas Gifts A good reminder that in my quest to simplify my life and become debt free, I shouldn't burden others with clutter either.